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Love & Relationships

How to make your long distance relationship work

how to maintain long distance relationship

Long distance relationship is not an easy thing to maintain. Although most people are skeptical about this type of relationship, there are many partners who have managed to keep or improve their relationship precisely because they are separated. Today the world is getting smaller and technology brings people together, even though they are separated by hundreds or thousands of miles.

There is no reason why not to give a chance to your long distance relationship, the only thing that you need to do is to work hard for the relationship to succeed. Here are some tips which will hopefully make the long distance relationship easier for you.

how to maintain long distance relationship

Set yourselves some rules

You both have to agree about the conditions under which your relationship will develop so you will know what to expect. You need to decide how long you will be separated and how often you will see each other. That way you will avoid the disappointment if you don’t see each other for a long time.

Control your jealousy

One of the easiest ways to end a long distance relationship is jealousy. Don’t ask him / her too frequently with who he / she goes out and why he / she didn’t text you to wish you good night. You and your partner should have a social life and trust each other. If you don’t have confidence in him / her, the long distance relationship can fall apart even if you’re always together. Sometimes it is good show a small dose of jealousy, it will show him / her that you have strong feelings for him / her, but don’t overdo it.

Communicate as often as you can

The fact that you will be separated for a long time is probably going to be hard for both of you. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is find an effective way to communicate. Although the phone is the first thing that will come to mind, it does not mean that it is the most suitable and cheapest way of communication. The Internet is the best friend of the long distance relationships. Whatever software you choose depends on you, but in any case you will be able to speak and to use the camera whenever you want. You will be surprised how much your communication will improve, because you probably will interact more frequently than when you were together and you took communication for granted.

Use the maximum time that you have together

Don’t expect too much from your partner the next time you see him / her. Life is not a movie and if he / she does not meet you with a bouquet of roses or running in slow motion, don’t be disappointed. Surely you don’t want to spend the entire time while you are together getting angry at each other for small and childish things. The important thing is that you are together. Time passes quickly, so use the time the time you have together to do happy things.

Talk about your future together

Make plans for your life in future and what you’ll do when you meet again. It doesn’t have to be some great plan for the next five or ten years, just a simple plan, for example what you will do the next time you’re together. That way you’ll both know that your long distance relationship goes somewhere and something beautiful will happen when you’re back together.

Surprise him / her

Book an unplanned trip to surprise your partner. And if you don’t have the opportunity to do this, use your imagination. Make a small gift or card, plan a romantic picnic or romantic date night. Believe us, he / she will surely be pleasantly surprised.

Be positive

If you are skeptical about the success of your long distance relationship, there are more chances for you to fail to stay together. Don’t think only about the negative sides of a long distance relationship. Use the time when you aren’t together and spend it with your family and friends, use it for your hobby or dedicate it to your career.

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