How to pick shoes
Which woman did not know how it feels a leg fatigue, pain, swelling, discomfort caused by uncomfortable shoes? To avoid all this suffering, here are some tips that should be taken into consideration when you choose shoes:
1. Shoes should be stylish. Style is not just external quality. The style of the shoe is it’s comfort, strength and elegance. From an aesthetic point of view the shoe should complement the clothing and should look elegant and beautiful, and by a medical point of view – to comply with hygiene requirements to protect the feet from injury and not make the movement harder.
2. The size and shape of the shoe should match the size and shape of the foot. Otherwise, the foot will deform and will appear callous. Blisters that appeared for the second time the same place, will become chronic, which is no longer so simple to fight. How correctly to choose shoes? When walking, your feet change their size, so the internal parameters of the shoes can be slightly larger than the feet. Choosing new shoes, it is good to stand in them and it is desirable to make a few steps. The toes should feel absolutely free in the shoe and you should easily move them. It is good in the toe area, inside the nose of the shoe to have some place so it will not distort the big toe.
3. Shoes should be chosen some day, when your foot has already walked, but has not yet appeared tired and swollen. Shoes should not be too broad and free. Such shoes also cause skin disorders of the feet: you can slip and cause injury, inflammation, blisters. Particularly damaging, however, is to wear tight shoes. Furthermore they distort the toes, stop the normal circulation and can lead to ingrowth of the nails.
4. It is easier to select shoes for wide feet rather than narrow ones. If your shoes are wide, you can put special insoles into them or make some by yourself: cut them out from some thick paper and wrap them with a soft cloth. These insoles should be replaced every two to three months.
5. The internal size and shape of the shoes depends on where you will wear them. Open footwear should tightly stand to the foot, especially in the heels. If this type of shoes are too loose with every movement, the foot will slip out and that hinder the movement leads to rapid fatigue. If you go to a special occasion wear a high heels shoes, but use some transport. If you have to make a long walk, why not to wear the good old converse?