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Olive oil reduces risk of stroke

The markets are full of fresh vegetables that are an indispensable part of a healthy diet. But to get the maximum benefit from salads instead of the popular ground nut oil, use some extra virgin olive oil.

Based on the results of a new research, scientists claim that regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of stroke by 41%. They found out, that people who never eat olive oil are at a greater risk of stroke compared with those who use olive oil in salads, cooking or just to dip some bread into it.

To reach to these conclusions, researchers monitored nearly 8,000 people aged 65 and up. During the 5 years, in which the research was conducted, 148 participants had a stroke. The survey has taken into account how often the participants consumed olive oil,  their physical activity, weight and other risk factors.

Stroke is very common in older people and olive oil is not very expensive and easy way to prevent it.

It is known that olive oil helps and protect against heart diseases and arthritis, and reduces the bad cholesterol and regulates the blood pressure.