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Shopping makes your heart beat faster

Shopping makes your heart beat faster

You probably already know from a personal experience that buying clothes for the holidays or just for fun makes your heart beat like crazy. In men, this ‘euphoria’ happens when they buy lingerie for their loved one.

Shopping makes your heart beat fasterA research monitored the heart rhythm of 1000 shoppers at age of of 20 to 40 years.

The results showed that the heart beats in women increase by 39% and up to 120 beats per minute, when they have to choose a party dress. When they were choosing a glamorous shoes and bags, the heart beats reached 117 beats per minute. The excitement grew particularly high, when women find something on a sale.

Men were very excited when they were buying lingerie for their loved one, and their heart rate increased from 72 to 118 beats per minute. This suggests a greater thrill than when their favorite team will make a score. However, it is unclear whether these results in men were due to excitement or embarrassment.

Additionally it was established that women’s heart beats faster when they enter the store, and in men – when they pay at the checkout.

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